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Ron Slagel [Back to 'About Us']
Ron was the primary person responsible for developing, installing and maintaining complete computer information, accounting and point-of-sale systems on mainframes for three large corporations from the late '60s through the '70s (when all information and programs were still stored on punch cards, then tape drives!!!). For most of the early '80s, Ron concentrated on inventory control and accounting for manufacturing companies, and recognized the usefulness and the promising future of the then-home-and-very-limited-PC. He began porting his mainframe software and styling to the PC "world", and soon was efficiently able to run the manufacturing company's computer system on "just" a PC! From here, Ron branched off on his own, developing the complete accounting system that we still sell, support and maintain today. It has been run on small PC's to large servers; single-user DOS to UNIX to Novell (or other network) to Windows. It's high degree of flexibility makes it a superb solution for many industries. As if that's not enough, built into the software is a very efficient mechanism for customization, which allows us to make it the best choice for any type of business! Forming an Alliance with Murray Equipment, Inc. in the mid-80's, Ron and a Murray employee by the name of Tom Miller sat down together and designed a liquid fertilizer formulation program that controls an automatic mix system for precise mixes and accurate raw material inventory control. One of the first companies to run this system for the entire spring season had virtually no difference between the computer's inventory and the actual physical inventory (and all of us in the central-states fertilizer world know what the spring season is like!!). Again, as with his accounting system, the flexibility and power built into this formulation system has resulted in it being the formulation and Plant Automated Control System (P.A.C.S.) we still sell today! It now handles dry, suspensions, packets and add-ins in addition to the original liquid handling; it handles Bills of Lading, split billing, and even remote site mixing via network away from the main office! The vast array of features available in this powerhouse plant control system are able to cover the needs of most any fertilizer dealer. And, again, with the customization mechanism that is built right in, it is easy to customize it for any special circumstance. Ron has worked with virtually every style of computer, operating system, programming language, industry and computer technology in existence since the mid-60s. For absolutely any business computer needs, Ron is the best and only starting and ending point your business needs. Contact him today to find out how to make your computer system work for you! For more than three decades, Ron has been keeping up with the latest technology, always with the future in mind, for your business computing needs. |